Thursday, May 20, 2010

Asiago Cheese - Pineapple Heaven?

After thinking long and hard about what kinds of pizza I would order for my birthday party, I made the decision to roll with three '3 topping pizzas'.

The first was spinach, feta and roma tomatoes.
The second was artichokes, pesto and roma tomatoes.
And the third was pineapple, ham and asiago cheese.

While I was reading up on asiago cheese (yes, I do read up on cheese) I saw that one of the best combonations with it is pineapple. Knowing how much I loved the strong, slightly harsh taste of the italian cheddar (Asiago) I felt as if a light had been turned on in my head or maybe something like what happens in every Harry Potter movie.

"OF COURSE!" -- Hermione Granger

After trying the pizza, all I can say is make the order if your local pizza joint carries those toppings. You won't regret it... Unless you don't like pineapple. If that is the case, have fun with your crappy pizza!


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tender Chicken Starts With Salt Water

Yet another good tip I received from my mother has resulted in fantastic taste!

I have been doing this little trick for awhile now. However, now that it is pretty much 'officially' grilling season here is what you do.

Get a big bowl (big enough to fit your chicken into, with extra space for water).

Place your chicken in the bowl and fill the bowl with just enough water to cover the chicken.

Shake a decent amount of salt over the chicken and in the water.

Then let the chicken stand in the bowl for at least 45 minutes, I usually leave it in longer.

Once you are ready to throw them onto the grill be sure to bring some all purpose seasoning.

After you have put the chicken on the grill (or before you take them outside) shake a generous amount of all purpose seasoning directly on the chicken and cook until the chicken is finished. You will have some of the best tasting, tender and awesome chicken EVER!

As a matter of fact, I think I know what I am doing for dinner tonight!

I also enjoy having steamed vegetables (broccoli or zucchini) with it as well.